【食材雑貨 | Fine & Raw Chocolate Spread】

【食材雑貨 | Fine & Raw Chocolate Spread】

Fine & Raw Chocolate Spread 
來自的 New York 「濃」「純」「滑」朱古力醬!

想與大家分享呢樽,最近愛到有點 addictive 的 pantry item。

呢樽 Fine & Raw Hazelnut Butter Spread。


「this is the best thing you could ever eat with a spoon」

由 New York Brooklyn 一間 Chocolate Factory 製造,用既成份簡單健康。

最緊要用既 sugar 係 organic coconut sugar 而唔係 refined sugar,連 cacao bean & cacao powder 都係organic.


Morning 無論用佢黎做 pancake or waffle topping 已經好 rich,加上酸酸甜甜既 berries, 一口一口的滿足。

最近既 morning favorite 係 banana toast 上塗一層chocolate spread 後,放上 sliced banana 再灑上開心果碎,加點肉桂粉同岩鹽,a beautiful morning is done :)

晏晝做野做到口痕,有時就咁用 strawberry dip in chocolate spread,就是 simple afternoon snack treat。 

想喝杯 hot chocolate 時,在杯子裡加入 2-3 tablespoons 既 chocolate spread, 倒進加熱好的牛奶, 佢本身有hazelnut 既香氣同埋有一定甜度,只係 stir stir stir 15秒都唔洗, Hot cocoa is ready to serve!


For me, this is way better than Nutella.

起碼唔係  refined sugar chunk product,食落口既係真係 REAL, FINE & RAW Chocolate!


